Posted on 5/25/2020 4:00 AM By Royal Pool & Spa
After you open your pool, do you know how to maintain it properly? The experts at Royal Pool & Spa discuss basic maintenance tips every pool owner should know.
Posted on 1/6/2020 4:00 AM By Royal Pool & Spa
Is your pool pump making odd noises? Is it failing to circulate water the way you know it should? Your pool pump is the heart of your pool, so you’ve noticed something’s gone awry, it’s critical that you tend to it immediately. Without a properly functioning pump, water circulation will suffer, and your pool will end up looking more like a pond rather than something you actually want to take a swim in. At Royal Pool & Spa, it’s our job to keep homeowners well informed about proper pool care and maintenance, so we’ve detailed four telltale signs to look for if you think your pool pump might be petering out.
Posted on 12/9/2019 4:00 AM By Royal Pool & Spa
A pool is a great investment, but only if it remains in proper working condition. Just as certain components of your home will eventually require replacement or renovation, your pool demands the same attention. The average inground pool has a lifespan of approximately 15 years, after which time pool renovations become necessary. Pool liner replacements are typically necessary at five- to ten-year intervals, and equipment replacement may occur even more frequently. At Royal Pool & Spa, we’re here to help you get the most out of your pool, so if you’re dealing with any of the following issues, it’s time to consider renovating your pool.